martes, 24 de agosto de 2010

Como casarse con un Billonario (II)

Scenarios: How Shanghai Girls Andel Some Typical Courtship Scenarios

Scenario One: You meet him; you date him; he doesn´t call you.
[…] Well, you can caall him. Alter all, you´re a modern woman and you know how to get what you want, right? You could call him once with a light excuse to invite him to some fun event he may not have know about, or some party well suited to his interest, career or busines enterprise. Alter all, he could have had a sudden personal calamita that made it imposible to call you. This does happen, ocasionally. But let´s say you call him in a week to invite him to that perfectly planned event and he hems and haws or doesn´t even return your call. What do you do?
Cut your losses ando don´t call him again. He isn´t interested. Of course, it might hurt your ego a little, but ther are millions of guys aot there. […]
Once satisfied with your review, move onto your next target. Most guys don´t need threee dates to decide they like or dislike a girl. A guy usually know son the first date. So should he conveniently lose your phone number or forget to call, it just jeans you didn´t closet he deal.

Scenario Two
You meet him; he´s wealthy, powerful and into you; he´s married

The unsentimental girl evaluates the situation matter-of-factly. How likely is he to leave his wife,? Does he have kids and they are young ones? ( Young kids are mucho more problematic than older kids ready to go off to collage.)

Shanghai Girls, by Lan Lan, as told to Mina Hanbury-Tenison

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